Attendance Policy
To earn course credit in the College of Arts & Sciences, a student must attend at least 75 percent of all scheduled class meetings. Any student who does not meet this minimal standard will automatically receive a grade of "F" in the course. Any University-related activity necessitating an absence from class shall count as an absence when determining whether a student has attended the required 75 percent of class meetings.
In addition to the College of Arts & Sciences Attendance Policy, faculty and students will be guided by the University Attendance Policy in the Undergraduate Catalog. Furthermore, departments and individual faculty members may establish more stringent requirements regarding attendance, punctuality, and participation.
- NOTE: THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE POLICY STATES: "If a varsity student-athlete is required to participate in an official athletic competition and must miss class in order to participate (or travel to participate) in that competition, this absence is ordinarily considered to be excused and should not be counted against the student-athlete in the context of an applicable attendance policy. Moreover, provided that the student-athlete seeks to make arrangements prior to the absence to complete scheduled assignments, the faculty member will work with the student to allow for the completion of missed classwork and assignments."
All attendance requirements and penalties for excessive absences will be set forth in the syllabus for each course.
This policy is effective May 16, 2011.
Office of the Dean
College of Arts & Sciences