E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration
Truett Seminary and the Kyle Lake Center for Effective Preaching presents the E.K. Bailey Preaching Celebration to honor the life and ministry of the Rev. Dr. E.K. Bailey.
Please join us on February 03-04, 2025, at Truett Seminary as we honor Major Lewis Jemison with the honoree award.

Rev. Dr. Major Lewis Jemison serves as the Senior Pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church (Oklahoma City, OK), providing spiritual leadership and pastoral care for an urban congregation of 2,500 members. He also functions as the church’s Chief Executive and Chief Operating Officer, with administrative and fiscal responsibility for seven full-time staff, 13 part-time staff, numerous committed volunteers, an annual budget in excess of $ 1.2 million, and property holdings valued at $9.0 million. As St. John’s Senior Pastor, Dr. Jemison also served as CEO of the St. John Christian Heritage Academy, a private, state-accredited Christian school serving students in pre-kindergarten through the seventh grade.
In 2006, Dr. Jemison completed a four-year term as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc., an association of approximately 1,800 Baptist churches throughout the world with a collective membership of more than 2.5 million persons. Concurrent positions within PNBC included membership on its executive board, chairman of its Resolution Committee, and membership on the board of directors of the Nannie Helen Burroughs School. Dr. Jemison has previously served PNBC as first Vice President on the local level and President of the Southwest Region, later moving to second Vice President and first Vice President of the national body before being elected President in 2002. He continues to serve PNBC as President of PROEDCO, (the economic development arm of the convention) and Secretary/Treasurer of the Pre-Conventions Community Development Cooperation (CDC). In addition, Dr. Jemison has worked at both the national and local levels directly in support of and in conjunction with the NAACP on a variety of issues and concerns. Dr. Jemison was licensed for the Gospel ministry in 1974. He was mentored and trained under the leadership of Dr. E. K. Bailey at Concord Missionary Baptist Church. Dr. Jemison has also given leadership to a coalition of Baptist organizations entitled “Baptist Builders” which is working to not only supply resources for the relief of hurricane victims but is being instrumental in initiating leadership in rebuilding the Gulf Coast Region. Dr. Jemison recently gave leadership to the Joint Midwinter Board Meeting of the four major black Baptist denominations/conventions, leading the development of political forums dealing with social issues pertinent to African Americans.
About Rev. Dr. E.K. Bailey
Dr. E.K. Bailey (1945-2003) was the founder of the Concord Missionary Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, and President and Founder of E. K. Bailey Ministries, Inc. While obeying the call of God in his life, Dr. Bailey received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion from Bishop College, Dallas, Texas in 1969 and his Doctor of Ministry Degree from United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, in 1991. His educational accomplishments also included graduate studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas. His service began at Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas in 1969. Later in June 1975, God led Dr. Bailey and over 200 charter members to establish Concord Missionary Baptist Church. During his twenty-eight years as Senior Pastor, the church membership grew to approximately 4000 members, and his visionary leadership guided Concord toward excellence in all areas of ministry. Among other influences, he founded the E. K. Bailey International Conference on Expository Preaching, which continues as a major international force in preaching. Dr. Bailey will always be remembered as a loving husband, father, pastor, teacher, powerful preacher, mentor, and model to many and as a sincere friend.
Previous Guests Include:
· Rev. Dr. Carolyn Ann Knight (2024)
· Rev. Dr. Freddy J. Clark (2023)
· Rev. William Timothy Glynn (2022)
· Rev. Dr. John K. Jenkins Sr. (2019)
· Cokiesha Bailey Robinson (2018)
· Bishop Keith Reed (2017)
· Dr. Melvin Von Wade, Sr. (2016)
· Dr. Claybon Lea, Jr. (2014)
· Dr. Al B. Sutton (2013)
· Dr. A. Louis Patterson, Jr. (2012)
· Rev. Lawrence E. Aker, III (2011)
· Rev. Bryan L. Carter (2010)
· Dr. William H. Curtis (2009)
· Dr. Ralph D. West, Sr. (2008)
· Dr. Cleophus LaRue (2007)
· Dr. Gardner C. Taylor (2006)
· Rev. Dr. J. Alfred Smith (2005)