Creative Arts Experience Committee
Membership and Responsibilities
- The A&S Dean will appoint five faculty members to the Creative Arts Experience (CAE) Committee.
- The Committee members will be selected from five areas: the School of Music and the Departments of Art and Art History; English; Film and Digital Media; and Theatre Arts.
- The A&S Dean, at their discretion, may appoint an additional one or two faculty members who represent departments that offer CAEs.
- CAE Committee members serve three-year terms.
- At the beginning of each academic year, the CAE Committee will pre-approve all events that will be considered eligible for student CAE credit. The Committee has sole discretion to determine which proposals meet the approved CAE Core Curriculum Objectives.
- The CAE Committee members provide guidance and offer proposals for curricular changes, if needed, to the A&S Core Curriculum Advisory Committee.
- Current CAE Committee members include:
- Chair & Theatre—Professor Sam Henderson (THEA), term expires 2024
- Art—Professor Virginia Green (ART), term expires 2025
- Film—Professor David Garcia (FDM), term expires 2024
- Literature—Dr. Kristi Humphreys (ENG), term expires 2026
- Music—Dr. Michael Alexander (SOM), term expires 2024
- World Cultures—Dr. Holly Collins (MLC), term expires 2026
- ex officio— Director of CAE (Kaity Briscoe)
Committee Relationship to the Administration of the CAEs
- The Director of the Core and the Program Director of Fine Arts Living and Learning Center (LLC) will serve as ex officio members of the CAE Committee.
- The Director of the Core, as the administrative representative of the Dean, has oversight responsibilities for all aspects of the A&S Core Curriculum, including CAEs. The Director of the Core reports to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies.
- The Director of the Fine Arts LLC reports to the Associate Dean unless otherwise designated. The Director will collaborate closely with the Director of the Core, the residence hall director, community leaders, faculty-in-residence and other associated individuals who support the Fine Arts LLC. The Director will serve as Chair the Fine Arts LLC Advisory Board that is comprised of faculty, staff, and students.
- The Creative Arts Experience Coordinator reports to the Program Director of Fine Arts LLC. The Coordinator oversees CAE attendance technology and student attendance records for a range of 5,000 to 6,500 students each semester; develops and maintains a continuous calendar of events, announcements, online discussions, internal event planning, and promotions; collaborates with the CAE Committee and faculty event sponsors to improve the ongoing implementation of CAEs; advises students and academic advisors on the fulfillment of CAE requirements; and oversees the resolution of problems that arise in connection with CAE events.